Vajrayana Practice Centers

General Information:

There are numerous living schools of Vajrayana Buddhism, the most influential being the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. There are also threads of Vajrayana practice in the Shingon tradition in Japan and elsewhere. Certain higher practices within the Tibetan Buddhism are only taught through direct transmission in a dedicated teacher-student relationship, but many communities are open to short to long-term visits and immersion. And for those who are dedicated, long-term training and ordination is available. A classic way to immerse oneself in Tibetan Buddhist practice is to complete the 3-year retreat and become a Lama.

US, Europe & Canada

Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia, Canada

General: This monastery is founded and led by the famous Buddhist teacher and author Pema Chodron, a student of the late Chogyam Trungpa. This monastery provides excellent training in Tibetan Buddhism for Westerners, and is conveniently located in Nova Scotia.

Visiting & Ordination: Temporary ordination and full bhikshu (monastic) ordination is available here for any and all people. It is a two year novice ordination process before one can take full ordination. This monastery offers a traditional Tibetan 3-year retreat, which is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhism.

Schedule: The morning from 6am onwards is set aside for meditation and the afternoon from 1pm to 5pm is set aside for working meditation.


Karma Triyana Dharmachakra in Woodstock, New York

General: Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (or “KTD” for short) offers traditional practice in the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. They offer a long term residential volunteering program and opportunities for personal retreat up to two weeks.

Schedule: The schedule varies from retreat to retreat. The Tibetan tradition is known for being highly creative and diverse in the practices it employs, including dream yoga and mastering awareness in sleeping states.

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Sravasti Abbey in Spokane, WA, USA

General: Sravasti Abbey is a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery in the Gelugpa lineage (the lineage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.) They offer opportunities for lay people to stay long-term and practice alongside male and female monastics. They also offer a month-long retreat open to serious lay practitioners in the first months of each year.

Ordination: Ordination is available for either gender at Sravasti Abbey. Ordaining in the Gelugpa lineage is a strong commitment - it is for life and will only be considered after several years of study and practice at the monastery to discern one’s intentions.

Other US-based centers:

Tara Mandala in Pagosa Springs, CO, USA

Sravasti Abbey in Spokane, WA, USA

Center for Contemplative Research in Crestone, CO, USA

Clear Sky Meditation Centre in British Columbia, CA


Tushita Meditation Centre in Dharamsala, India

General: This is a monastery where you can come and ordain with His Holiness The Dalai Lama. What more needs to be said? There is also an abundance of short group retreats available of various lengths.

Visiting & Ordination: There is an abundance of ways to visit and practice here depending on your length of intended stay. You can come for a weekend course or ordain for life.

Schedule: The schedule intensity varies by program.

Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal

General: This is another monastery led by the Dalai Lama, and is an excellent place for Westerners to ordain in a Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

Visiting & Ordination: There is an abundance of ways to visit and practice here depending on your length of intended stay. You can come for a weekend course or ordain for life.

Schedule: The schedule intensity varies by program.


Other potential asian centers: 1,000s of monasteries in the Kagyu Lineage of H. H. The Karmapa, Monasteries led by Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche across India, Tibet and Nepal, and monasteries led by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Lama Zopa Rinpoche.